Example image taken from the Bristol City walkabout in March 2015.

 SPOTtimespotTIME – Conceived in 2015 ( LIGAR II)

The artwork commenced and began its emergence in March 2015.   As a ten year art social document SPOTtimespotTIME has encouraged participation throughout the UK documenting significant events. The artwork will take its last physical fingerprint on March 30th 2025.

The work asks us all to consider our own  identity in relation to all life. How do we feel when we are asked to handover our fingerprint, heart motif or emblem? It has become evident during the walkabouts that there are a large group of people choosing to live ‘off grid’ because of the changing social environment and closer global scrutiny. Forensics research and pioneering work with DNA analysis will provide some of the scientific answers, but what about the social impact? SPOTtimespotTIME documents in real time these changes. Robinson says: “Given the current political climate I am particularly pleased to be doing something so levelling. A fingerprint does not show difference, only how similar we all are.”

What started out as an artwork about human identity has evolved into a large artwork recording a shift in acceptance that we all play a part in conservation & biodiversity and it is a fundamental part of our identity.

Conceived in Bristol in 2015, Robinson walks all day to gather fingerprints from all sections and areas of society. The finished artwork will include panels of fingerprints held in clear resin, and collected from cities visited across the UK and also different time events emerging as a relevant social document.  SPOTtimespotTIME has captured the changing political arena by asking the UK and European Parliaments and Assembly’s to contribute to the emerging installation and Elaine looks forward to another successful ‘Artist in Residence’ at the Scottish Parliament in December ‘24.

The installation is being created by asking for a fingerprint to  document our relationship to each other and all life on earth. Representation from many diverse groups have participated on the artwork, for example- HS2 opponents, XR, PRIDE, Windrush, Pioneering Bristol  Bus Boycott celebrations, Notting Hill Carnival, Edinburgh Fringe, NHS,  Covid crisis, knife crime awareness and many Conservation and Environmental bodies. Advocacy for all life celebrating LIFE was given for the many other life forms. Emma Manton ( Actor) kindly agreed to participate and representation for the awareness regarding the refugee crisis and was also documented due to her efforts in organising fundraising and awareness events for people who have become displaced due to war, poverty and environmental reasons.

Time, opinion and fingerprints are often what can separate us, however paradoxically it is what unites us all when it really matters.
Robinson visited Ness of Brodgar in Orkney and was able to see a fingerprint in some pottery that was over 5000 years old. A fingerprint represented Pre – Neolithic before modern day farming methods.

The Royal Academy, Royal West of England Academy,  National Theatre, Bristol Old Vic, The Globe, The Stage,  have all contributed and indeed there are many more people and organisation.

The work will have a National Exhibition.
#conservationmeanslife #alllife #artaunifyinglanguage #workingtogether #refugeeschooseloveandrespect #fingerprintofunity #weareoneconsciousness #LOVELIFELOVERESPECT

(Click here for tour dates)
